A delicately fragranced bouquet of organic petals from the farm.
Internally: For a refreshing warm or iced tea use 1 heaped teaspoon per cup of boiling water and allow to steep for 5 minutes.
Externally: Facial steam: Add a tablespoon to a large bowl of hot water for a calming, toning and anti inflammatory face steam. Place a light cloth over head and allow the floral steam to gently infuse open pores, cleanse, reduce inflammation and stimulate circulation.
Add the tea infusion to your bath or as a therapeutic addition to our clay masks.
Cease use if irritation occurs
Dried: *Rose petals *Calendula flowers *Cornflower petals Hibiscus flowers *Peppermint leaves Jasmine flower Orange blossom petals *German chamomile *Roman chamomile